

"...under pain of punishment it is forbidden to carve names, break the ruins, or take any piece of the sculptures"

(Entrance ticket, Baalbek, 1904)

When travelling to Egypt, the route usually would be via Malta to Alexandria. With some of the visitors continuing to Jordan and Sinai, Palestine and the Levant. Many of them also visiting Lebanon's rich historical sites, passing through Beirut and Baalbek as their diaries and letters reveal. At Baalbek some travellers would leave their name inscribed. 

It is regrettable that the academic community has not yet documented the graffiti left by travellers from the 19th century in Lebanon. These explorers and travellers played a pivotal role in the development of the tourism industry in Lebanon through their publications.

This is the second part of this research project with presentations and a follow up exhibition to catch awareness of this important part of Lebanon's tourism history. 




Wall at entrance to Bachus Temple revealing many 19th century traveler inscriptions.